
Manifesting Your Intentions

The Art Of Manifesting
Your Intentions With SOMA Breath

If you imagine your life is like a constantly flowing river of events and circumstances, the power of your intention influences the probability of an event or circumstance occuring at a certain point in time.

The more you believe something to be true, the greater your reticular activating system will play out your life to make it true.

An intention can be something material such as wanting your dream car or vacation, or it can be something more physiological such as healing from chronic illness or wanting to reach your perfect weight.

It can also be more spiritually aligned by focusing on something you want to attract that could help the greater good.

The more focused you are on exactly what you want, the greater the power of your intention becomes.

How to set your intentions

You have to be very careful when selecting your intentions and using them during SOMA Breath as the process is very powerful and sometimes we can manifest things that we do not really want and are not truly beneficial to us.

Here are some guidelines to follow to make sure you have the greatest chance of success with manifesting your intentions during the practice of SOMA Breath.

  • Be affirmative and say with conviction – Manifesting successfully is dependent on how strongly you believe with pure conviction that what you are trying to create has already happened. Your unconscious mind cannot distinguish between positive and negative, so if you want to reach your perfect weight, you would say ‘I am at my perfect weight and body shape’ rather than ‘I don’t want to be fat’ otherwise your unconscious mind will act on the word fat, ignoring the don’t and manifest that result instead.
  • They must be in the present tense – as you manifest only what you truly believe has already occurred, all intentions should be in the present tense. For example, if you want to attract more money, you would say ‘I am wealthy’ or you can be even more specific and say ‘I have $100k in my bank account”
  • They must be in the first person
  • They must involve a specific action
  • Repetition is essential, so the more times you repeat an affirmation the better. It should become a daily practice.
  • Positive intentions do not magically manifest results, what they do instead is open your subconscious mind to new channels of information and opportunity, so you must take action on these in order for any major changes to happen to your life.

Here are some examples of good and bad positive intentions to use.

I am a creative thinker – good / I want to be a creative thinker – bad

I am beautiful – good / I don’t want to be fat – bad

So remember to pick the right statements for your intentions, then make it a daily habit to clear the clutter and reprogram your subconscious/unconscious mind.

Yoga Nidra For Manifesting Your Intentions

This is a full 30 minute guided Yoga Nidra meditation combined with Trypnaural brainwave entrainment  (alpha/theta/delta) for manifesting your intentionsIf you are aware of the law of attraction, this ancient meditation technique is an ultra-powerful method for harnessing its power.


Guided Meditation For Success Abundance And Awakening Full Potential


Guided Meditation For Creating a Success Mindset


Your Breath is a Powerful Gateway to Transform Your Life

"I'm never going to make it," "I'll never be successful," "I'll never find someone to love me." 

Are beliefs like this in your subconscious holding you back? 

When your mind and subconscious has been trained to believe in limitations, it's harder to succeed than you may think. Yet, when you remove the limits controlling the direction of your life, a whole new world of possibilities will unfold before you. 

In this SOMA Breath Meditation - Human Being Limitless, you will discover how you can use the power of the breath to unlock the creative potential of your minds to think beyond its own limits and help you experience limitless success in every way.

It is an astounding experience of how the breath is a powerful gateway to easily access your subconscious and train your entire being to embrace infinite possibilities. 

This is the true power of your breath. 

And this is only the beginning. 

If you are interested to learn more about how you can use your breath as a tool that can supercharge every area of your life, click the button below to find out more about our SOMA Breath 21-day Awakening Protocol


About Niraj Naik

Niraj Naik is a certified UK pharmacist turned holistic wellness, brain-training and breathwork expert. He is one of the world’s most sought-after spiritual ceremony facilitators and leads breathwork workshops around the world.

His journey started amid a “burnout” in his corporate career when he found himself bedridden with chronic illness for more than a year. Healing himself using breathwork techniques and dietary adjustments, Niraj felt motivated to share his knowledge with others.

SOMA Breath, a global breathwork community, was founded by Niraj to help empower others to take charge of their own healing and wellness. He has also trained hundreds of breathwork experts through his SOMA Breath framework, which is also taught at numerous wellness centres in the US, Europe and Asia.