
Breathwork For Manifesting

Breathwork For Manifesting

Make 2025 The Most
Epic Year To Date!

11.11 SOMA Breath Manifesting Journey (43 mins)

Find below a fun exercise to explore just how powerful your mind and perception can be. Whether it’s magic, intuition, or simply heightened awareness, you’ll start to see how you can shape your reality through focused attention—enhancing your 'manifesting powers.'

Also, download the SOMA Breath App here - a tool box filled with tracks to help you align your thoughts, emotions, and nervous system to manifest better >> 

And if you’re interested in building a thriving, fulfilling holistic business, this weekend we have the very first online 3-Day Intensive: Breathwork Instructor Blueprint.

Some of our most experienced Coaches and myself will be sharing tips and insights that have taken us several years to figure out so you can cut down your learning curve and 3x your income fast.

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Exercise To Enhance Your Manifesting Powers

Step 1: Look for 11:11

As you go through your days, I want you to keep your eyes open for this number—11:11. You might see it on the clock, a receipt, a street address, or even as part of a phone number. Wherever you are, start noticing how often this number pops up.

Why 11:11, you ask? Well, it’s not just any number. Uri Geller, the famous mystic, once told me that 11:11 is a spiritual number—one that follows people who are being guided by a spiritual force. He believes that it is a signal from the universe, a sort of cosmic nudge that you’re on the right path, or that something significant is about to happen. I’ve had some wild synchronicities with this number myself—far too many to ignore.

But here’s where things get interesting: Is this really magic? Are the forces of the universe conspiring to send me these signals, or is my mind just tuned to see this number more often after Uri Geller’s suggestion? 

Step 2: The Mind's Selective Attention

As you keep an eye out for 11:11, ask yourself this: Are you seeing the number more often because it’s showing up everywhere, or because you’re paying more attention to it now that I’ve planted the seed in your mind? 

On one hand, you could explain this through the idea of selective attention. Your mind might be noticing 11:11 more because you’ve heightened its importance. There’s always been plenty of numbers around you—on clocks, receipts, and so on—but now, your mind is filtering for this specific one.

On the other hand, the mystical explanation would say that 11:11 is indeed a spiritual signal, a direct message from the universe guiding you toward a higher purpose. If Uri Geller is right, then every time you see this number, it’s a moment of divine alignment, a reminder that something significant is happening in your life.

Step 3: Is It Magic or Mind?

The real power here isn’t necessarily in which explanation is “right”—whether it’s pure coincidence or real magic. The power lies in the fact that your mind will find evidence for whatever you believe. If you believe that 11:11 is a spiritual sign, then that belief will shape your reality. Every time you see the number, you’ll feel guided, aligned, and attuned to a greater purpose. That feeling will change your actions, your thoughts, and your decisions, subtly altering the course of your life.

If, on the other hand, you believe that it’s just selective attention, that’s fine too—because it shows you how much control your mind has over your perceptions. You’re not passively experiencing the world; you’re actively shaping it with your focus.

Step 4: Test It for Yourself

I want you to do a small thought experiment of your own. Over the next few days, consciously decide to believe that 11:11 is a spiritual signal—just for fun. Every time you see the number, pause and ask yourself: “What is the universe trying to tell me right now?” See how this shifts your perception. Do you start noticing patterns or synchronicities you hadn’t seen before? Do you feel more aligned, more connected to something greater?

Then, switch gears. Spend another few days taking a more skeptical approach. Assume that 11:11 is nothing more than a product of your selective attention. Every time you see it, remind yourself that your brain is simply filtering for this number because you’ve been told to look for it. Does the meaning of the number change? Does your experience of life shift?

Step 5: Bringing It Back to Your Breath

No matter which explanation you lean toward, this experiment brings you back to the truth that your mind is incredibly powerful in shaping your experience of reality. And here’s where breath comes in: Soma Breath techniques are designed to help you take control of your mind, to guide your nervous system out of automatic, unconscious patterns and into states where you can consciously choose what you focus on and how you feel.

As you practice Soma Breath, you’ll gain more mastery over your emotional state, which directly influences your thoughts and perceptions. When you’re in a calm, centered state, you might find that 11:11 starts appearing more often—or maybe it doesn’t, and you realize you don’t need signs or numbers to feel guided. Either way, through breath, you’ll discover that you have the ability to direct your mind and create your own reality.

The Magic of Manifesting

The real magic lies in what you believe. If you believe that you are constantly guided, that the universe is sending you signs, you’ll find yourself manifesting more alignment, more opportunities, and more synchronicities. But if you’re tuned into stress, fear, or limitation, that’s what you’ll manifest instead.

The lesson here is simple: You are always manifesting. The question is, what are you manifesting?

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